Baby Led Weaning (BLW) - Asparagus

Baby-Led Weaning
I've read a bit about it and I decided to give it a go. I don't quite understand why you can't do both, but hey, that's not for me to argue about. I'm just going to do both. My reasons for trying it? I wanted to see what my kid was going to do with cooked asparagus, and I have to tell you, it's quite funny.
My husband was sketched out and initially, said that he was against it but warmed up to the idea. Well, while I was texting him, he said, "Do whatever you want." That's a 'yes', right?
If you own a kindle, there are a ton of books on the topic. If you have Kindle Unlimited, there are about three decent books you can download.
Right now, I'm reading the following:
A Practical Guide to Baby Led Weaning: A Brief and Empirically-Supported Method for Introducing Solids to Your Baby
A Mom's Practical Guide to Baby-Led Weaning
Baby-Led Weaning: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Baby-Led Weaning (can't find a link, the cover is pink)

The one that seems to be the most popular one is titled, Baby-Led Weaning and they also have a website. The non-conformist that I am, I haven't purchased it yet. Also, I love this wholesomebabyfood site for pretty much everything - best website ever...ever.

Anyway, I pureed some asparagus, but I saved four spears for Max to try. I put them into his bowl and watched him carefully (except for when I had to shoo the dogs away because he tried to feed them his food). Here's what he did:

1). "Cool! Toys!"
(He had just woken up from a nap and wasn't super happy yet. He gets it from me.)

2). "Um, mom, where's the puree? I'm looking, but I don't seem to see it."

3). "That's cool, I'm just going to play with it again."

4). "K, well, maybe I'll eat it, but only if I can do it out of BOTH hands at the SAME time."

In conclusion, he sucked off the tops and the dogs ate the rest because they all ended up on the floor. It was pretty entertaining though! We will definitely try again after I purchase an egg cutter.

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