Making Stage 1 (Stage 1) Baby Food - Bananas (Uncooked)

You know the English saying, haste makes waste? Well, in Russian it's a bit more demoralizing, they say, 'If you rush, you'll be a laughing stock.' (Поспешишь -- людей насмешишь.) Go ahead, laugh it up...I can't see you.
When I think of baby food, I think of pureed bananas. Then why the *bleep* is it so hard to preserve them? I don't know...stupid oxygen. They're way worse than avocados when it comes to oxidizing. I wasted a bunch of bananas because I didn't read ahead, nor did I think it through, #mybrainispuree. How many bananas you ask? This many...NBD.
I read that people can freeze bananas, even banana halves...but for me, they still turned brown and gross, and I ended up tossing them. The mommies in the mommy group I'm part of say that they cut up bananas, place them in the freezer, and then make ice cream! Sounds delish...I'm too embarrassed to ask if it's brown. I'm just gonna avoid that one for a while.
After all that, I think it's best to buy as you go when it comes to bananas. I have been cutting up a half to puree for Max and eating the other half. It's a win-win! You do not have to cook bananas. I have not tried to steam them, I'm assuming they will turn brown in about five seconds, haha. Just chop them up, blend, and serve (super fast before they oxidize)!

Or you can do the following (this is where you can laugh)....

Step 1). Peel the skins, cut, and blend.

Step 2). Take the time to put them into their pretty little silicone trays.
Step 3). Consider placing plastic wrap on trays to salvage two pounds of banana.

Step 4). Place directly into trashcan.

Step 5). Leave them in the freezer for a week because you are mad and refuse to spend the fifteen minutes it will take to clean & sanitize everything. I'm still not over it. 

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