Snack Time is Fun Time (and Learning Time)

Snack Time: When, Where, How?
To me, snack time is truly learning time. I'm a teacher. I teach big kids (well, university to be exact) but I've noticed that learners of all ages learn best when they forget that they're learning because they are enjoying an activity. Unfortunately, for 'big kids' and even adults the best way to get them to learn is to somehow trick them into thinking they're having fun (works on husbands as well). I spend so many hours trying to figure out how to provide this 'educational form of entertainment', but with babies it's so easy, they think everything is fun! Thus, 'snack' time, to me, isn't necessarily about filling the baby's belly but more about developing and perfecting fine motor skills and observing how learning takes place.

It's so exciting to find and try new snacks for baby. We started with the rice puffs, we use both Gerber Graduates Puffs and Plum Organics Super Puffs (the Plum Organics are gluten free, but I wanted Max to have some exposure to gluten, so we are trying everything). These make great dog snacks, too! ;)

However, for us, our ultimate favorite are the Happy Baby Organic Yogurt Snacks. Here are some of the main reasons we love Yogis: (1) they are dime-sized and easier for baby to pick up, (2) they dissolve very quickly (choking is not an issue), (3) they have a probiotic, which is supposed to help with digestion. We bring these with us when we go out and they're just great. I give him about a half a serving (~12) pieces and he just plays, eats, holds them and stays relatively quiet.

Max is now 8 months old and just last week he cut a tooth (and then another one a couple days later)! It sounds like an achievement, but he was miserable. He's normally so happy, but it seemed like someone replaced my happy baby with someone who is as likable as Joffrey on Game of Thrones (unlike Joffrey, he's was still super cute and lovable). Anyway, it seemed like the Plum's Little Yums Cookies provided his some relief. Unfortunately, my other cookie monster (the dog) ate most of them. Max is so good at feeding animals...we'll have no problems when we finally go to the petting zoo.

NOTE: Here's some things that we found helped Max get some teething pain relief; nuby teethers (for like 4 minutes), a silicone basting brush, silicone spoon holder, cool washcloth, and a baby toothbrush (currently the top hit).

Usually, I treat snacks like I would a salad at a restaurant. I give Max a handful of puffs or yogis while I'm getting his meal ready. He sits in his high chair and eats some, throws some, feeds the dogs some, etc. It does not interfere with his appetite. This arrangement works well for us.
During the semester, while I was teaching, he would sometimes get a little snack in the stroller with his babysitter. Again, it never seemed to interfere with breastfeeding, nor his meals.
Lately, since he's been teething so badly, I've been giving him a little cookie after dinner to eat, but it's more about the sucking and rubbing it on his gums than eating.

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